The Odyssey at 92nd Street Y
New York, New York, November 27-28, 2010
The Readers returned to Manhattan in 2010 for this all-night reading of the Odyssey at the Kaufman Concert Hall of 92nd Street Y, accompanied by musical and dance performances. Over 200 readers joined together to read Stanley Lombardo’s translation. The historical music group LyrAvlos performed interpretations of ancient Greek music on instruments reconstructed from antiquity. Dance interludes on themes from the Odyssey were performed by contemporary dance company Choreo Theatro, choreographed by Irina Contantine Poulos and set to original music by the Slovene group Silence. The Mark Latham Quintet closed the reading with Four Meditations on War, composed and conducted for string quartet and voice by Mark Latham.
Support provided by the Greek Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Consulate General of Greece in New York, Bard College, Fordham College at Rose Hill, the Andres Mata Foundation, Travel Dynamics International, Litsa Tsitsera, Christine Jowers, Nick Andriotis, Katerina Papaioannou, Danal, Neo Magazine, Titan Foods and Stellar Importing Company.