The Iliad: An All-Day Audience-Participation
Reading of Caroline Alexander's recent translation
Saturday, May 13th, 10am to 10pm
The International Readers of Homer is celebrating its 25th anniversary!
We are honored to partner with Grace Cathedral in offering a 10-hour, all-day audience-participation reading of the Iliad on Saturday, May 13th, 2023 at San Francisco's glorious cathedral on top of Nob Hill.
This all-day reading of Homer’s epic the Iliad features the first complete translation of the poem by a woman, the noted classics scholar Caroline Alexander.
In a contemporary take on the oral tradition, participants will take turns reading passages from the poem, and the audience will hear the story of the fall of Troy unfold over the course of the day, with Caroline Alexander herself reading the invocation in Homeric Greek.
Alexander’s remarkably clear translation makes this venerable Greek epic accessible to 21st century readers and listeners. This full day of poetry will provide a unique opportunity, for both readers and listeners, to hear the noble music of Homer, carried down through the ages, now in Alexander’s rich poetic voice.