Jornadas Homericas
Montevideo, Uruguay, May 14-22, 2010
In partnership with the Maria Tsakos Foundation of Uruguay, The Readers organized a week-long celebration of Homer and Hellenic culture that included lectures, seminars and round table discussions, film screenings and art exhibitions, and performances of music, theater, and dance. Marathon readings of both the Iliad and the Odyssey anchored the celebration, and featured public school students among the over 500 participant readers.
Produced under the aegis of UNESCO, the European Commission in Uruguay, the National Academy, the University of the Republic, the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and of Culture and Education of Greece and Uruguay, the Municipality of Montevideo and the National Council of Secondary Education, and with the decisive support of the Andres Mata Foundation and the Tsakos Group.
The success of Jornadas Homericas in the midst of our troubled city proved that civilization and its values can effectively counteract any kind of negativism that undermindes human society.
- El Pais, Uruguay